Monday, 18 August 2008

Sleeping through

I've been quite reluctant to post this entry as I feel it'll tempt fate in a big way.

Oh well, here goes....

For the last few weeks rose has been more or less sleeping through the night. At first she was waking up at 5.30 or 6.00 but now it seems to be till at least 7.00 or (today) 8.30am.

This is all quite pleasant and civilized really, we could get used to it.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Reaching out

Rose has been able to get her hands in her mouth for a few weeks, but in the last few days she's been reaching further afield.

225 - ravenous rose

She now grabs her own feet (so far her favourite) and almost anything else within reach.

Off the scale....

Monday, 4 August 2008

Going solo

I'd done a few 'test drives' feeding Rose from the bottle, but this Sunday it was time for me to go it alone for an afternoon while Deborah had some time off.

Things started well, Rose watched me make myself a bit of lunch following which I gave her a little bath and then she had a bit of a nap.

It got to around three hours from her last feed and I was keen that she didn't get really hungry and irritable so I decided to wake her and give her a bottle. The sky around this time also went dark and rain started - I should have seen this as a sign.

I then spent the next two hours trying to feed Rose and she spent the next two hours variously screaming, crying and occasionally briefly sleeping. I could tell she was really hungry, it's just that she was just not keen on this new-fangled bottle thing that was being foisted on her.

I eventually had to call the cavalry (Deborah) back from her shopping and cinema expedition. Ironically, shortly before D got back, Rose took a bottle to no small relief from me.

Drinking from a bottle is a different action to a real boob and I think it takes some getting used to by Rose. As we do this more often, I'm sure it'll get easier.

Please let it get easier...